PART 1: Develop Self-Awareness to Develop your EQ (emotional intelligence)

Posted: July 25, 2012 in Business development, Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Self Development
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If you read anything on emotional intelligence, you will see the word ‘self-awareness’ come up time and time again. But I get so frustrated because most information sources provide a little two liner on each topic believing that you will head off into the sunset happily applying the two liner advice they gave you. Whooohooo! I do believe if you can complain about something you should be able to do something about it. So here is the 101 on developing self-awareness.

Take a Personality Test

This is the most effective and the fastest way of gaining a solid framework as to what you are about. It is easy to find a personality test online that will give you substantial amount of information resulting from the test. There are just some guidelines you should follow to determine the quality or the value of the information they give you.

1. Is it an automated test?: If you take the test and the system spits out the results within a couple of seconds, you have just had a machine tell you what you are like. I have found these types of tests to be between 50% and 70% correct, but no more than that.

2. Is someone that has no contact with you at all evaluating the answers?: If you are lucky enough and they send you the results in a couple of days, it usually means that one of your fellow humans has evaluated your answers. This is preferable. However if it is someone that you have never had any contact with you are likely to get a 70% to 85% accuracy.

3. Is it complicated?: if it’s complicated, you are more than likely to get frustrated with the mountains of data they have sent you. The point is to get a framework and key words that describe you. Not Einstein’s analysis of e=mc2… If this is the case, I am sorry you have wasted your time. The rule with anything is to keep it simple. The most complicated questions usually have the most uncomplicated answers.

4. Make sure someone asks you questions: It is best to be evaluated by someone that as well as giving you a test, actually speaks to you. Preferably face to face or a Skype call will do. You will know that this person has your best interest at heart and will give you an honest assessment. They will ask you questions about what you like, what you don’t like and how you respond to situations. Then they will combine that information with the information from the test and you will get an accuracy of at least 95% to 99%. We will leave the lagging percentages for human error. But you will get a much more reliable source of information.

I can tell you this with absolute certainty because I have been doing it for years. With the advent of Magneto Strategics, I have had to develop and devise our own personality tests and emotional intelligence tests. Also from being on the road for such a long time in sales and marketing, I refined my assessment skills. A practiced coach will be able to give you 70% accurate feedback about your personality within 10 to 20 of meeting you for the first time. Scary yes, ask a couple of my friends I have done that to… 🙂 . But I learnt to refine that skill because it helped me sell my products. I very rarely accept a ‘No’, because to me that means ‘Go’. And it is most likely only a temporary situation if you can build a strong enough relationship with the person. I always bring home the bacon, no matter how long I have to hunt for it! Why? Because I know how to engage you according to your personality type. The test they give you should take no longer than 20-30min and be straight forward and to the point. The combination of the two types of information is fantastic!

That is your first action – please go and complete a personality test.

In part 2, I will let you know what to do with the information.

Before you school off to do that, please leave your comment or question below – I would love to hear from you!

Grow & Prosper

Suzy Wilson


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