The Sadness of Low EQ (emotional intelligence).

Posted: July 11, 2012 in Business development, Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Self Development
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Over the weekend I visited and old friend of mine that part owns and runs the German Club in Edenvale. Dirk mentored me while I was setting up my meat pie manufacturing facility and was a great asset; not to mention – a fabulous mentor. From the moment you meet Dirk, you know where you stand with him. But he has a big heart and saves people form themselves in times of distress. He has a great talent for that and most definitely possesses a very high emotional intelligence.

For a short while, I helped out at the German Club and thus got to know the staff. I am not too sure what the story was with this little girl and her mother that helped Dirk out on some weekends waitressing and with events like beer feasts. I could never get on friendly terms with her. Later I found out that she has a very high IQ and was accepted on a bursary to one of the top universities in the country, as you will never guess what… A rocket scientist. I am absolutely serious.

Being the person I am and always practicing my favorite sport; analyzing people, I just could not get footing with this child. Being in sales and marketing for a long time, when that happens, you immediately start asking yourself, ‘Have I lost my magic touch?‘. It is a rather distressing couple of moments as you try but fail miserably to get your ’emotional hooks’ in. No matter how I tried to get onto a good footing – she just wouldn’t bite. I ascribed it to her youth, rebeliousness and just plain rudeness. Over this last weekend I saw her again. This time, she did not even greet me. She would stare me blankly in the face, I would greet, but she would carry on as if nobody had spoken to her. This behaviour had always puzzled me. It is understandable coming from a small child that suffers a bit of natrual shyness – but she is an adult and understands there is no excuse for rudeness.

But then my analyzing brain started ticking over again. She displays the typical symptoms of a low EQ person. I find it tragic, these people have a hard time going through life. Hence, I do what I do. The symptoms are typically this:

1. Uncalled for Rudeness

You most likely did not ask for this and don’t understand why the person is being rude to you. The reason is that you are viewed as a threat. Astonishing but true. For most part people with low emotional intelligence, suffer low self-esteem. It does not seem like it at first but on closer analysis, you will find it there.

2. Low Self-esteem

They usually have a sidekick with lower self-esteem than they themselves posess. They do this to bolster their own. I mention this because it’s an easy way to spot them. It sounds like a very stupid thing but you get them in sophisticated circles. Easiest place to spot them? In an office invironment – they are the people that contribute the most to ‘office politics’. A person with high emotional intelligence are under no circumstances allowed in their space and they will resort to bullying to get you out of the way. That is what a bully is by the way, a person with low emotional intelligence. They don’t know how to process you in their world, you don’t make sense. Take for instance the girl I mentioned earlier. She showed up with her sidekick ordering her around and making her do stuff for her that a normal person would never do to another out of respect.

3. You are a threat

How on earth do they spot and perceive a person with high emotional intelligence, especially as a threats? To a degree, they have a bit more social intelligence but they use it to manipulate people. This is due to their lack of emotional intelligence. They will pick it up in your ‘vibe’. In other words, your body language. A lot of people are reading this and going, ‘Lady, you have lost it.’ Never, but never underestimate the power of body language. You are a fool if you do. Here are the stats: In everyday conversation, even ofer the phone, body language counts 75% of your total message. In business it counts as much as 85%! If you are emotionally savvy, it comes across in your macro and micro signals. If you read up about social intelligence, you will find how two people’s brains connect seamlessly – sending and receiving messages. When the low emotionally intelligent person picks up on your savvy – you become a target! Why? They simply don’t know how to deal with you, so they do the best they can – limit contact by making things unpleasant. If that does not work they will resort to mistreatment of the emotionally intelligent person.

4. Anything you do will be viewed as wrong

You will never be able to live up to this person’s ‘standard’ – ever. They will only change once they recognize they have a problem. Ignore them and do what you do anyway.

It is truly sad about that girl and many others like her. She will go through life holding her high IQ over everybody’s heads like a sword. Never considering the fact that she might have to change or improver her dealings with her fellow man. Why? Because we are conditioned at school that a high IQ is all you need. Why should she believe anything else? Nobody has given her a reason to. And she sure as hell is not going to listen to me! That is why I have entitled this blog, ‘The Sadness of Low EQ’.

Some may correct (how happy I will be and people around them) and some won’t. A high IQ never determines success or the level thereof. It determines whether you can read, write, count and logically put things together. Success is always determined by your high emotional intelligence.

Thank you for reading our blog. I would love to hear more about our views on the subject and you are welcome to leave your comments below. Or you can simply mail me directly For more information on Magneto Strategics go to

Grow & Prosper

Suzy Wilson


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